Flashing ESPHome on White Label Smart Plugs

You may remember that I bought a smart plug a few years ago, for our Christmas tree, and had been wondering what the heck do you use a smart plug for. Well, a few months ago I found out another use case for it that I had not thought about to that point: the subwoofer.

When I moved to Dublin, nearly eight years ago now, I bought a new TV, and an AV receiver, and a set of speakers — and with these last one, came a subwoofer. I don’t actually like subwoofer that much, or at least I didn’t, because the low-frequency sounds give (or gave) me headaches, and so while it does sound majestic to watch a good movie with the subwoofer on, I rarely do that.

On the other hand, it was still preferable to certain noise coming from the neighbours, particularly if we ended up not being in the same room as the device itself. Which meant we started using the subwoofer more — but unlike the AV receiver, that can be controlled with a network endpoint, the subwoofer has a physical switch to turn on and off… a perfect use case for setting this up with a smart plug!

Since I didn’t want to reuse the original plug for the Christmas tree (among other things, it’s stashed away with the Christmas tree), I ended up going online and ordering a new one — and I selected a TP-Link, that I thought would work just the same as my previous one… except it didn’t. Turns out TP-Link has two separate Smart Home brands, and while they share the same account management, they use different apps and have different integration support. The Christmas tree uses a Kasa-branded plug, while the one I ordered was a Tapo-branded plug — the latter does not work with Home Assistant, which was a bit annoying, while the former worked well, when I used it.

When TP-Link then also got in the news for having “fixed” a vulnerability that allowed Home Assistant to control the Kasa plugs on the local network, I got annoyed enough that I decided to do something about it. (Although it’s good to note that nowadays Home Assistant works fine with the “fixed” Kasa plugs, too.)

I asked once again help to Srdjan who has more patience than me to look up random IoT projects out there, and he suggested me the way forward… which turned out a bit more tortuous than expected, so let me try to recount it here, showing shortcuts as much as I can at the time of writing

The Hardware

Things start a bit iffy to begin with — I say that because the hardware I ended up getting myself was Gosund SP111 from Amazon, after checking reviews that they were still shipping an older version of the hardware that can be converted with tuya-convert (I’ll get back to the software in a moment). There’s plenty of warnings about the new models, but in a very similar fashion to the problem with CGG1 sensors, there’s no way to know beforehand what version of a firmware you’re going to find.

But in particular, SP111 are not Gosund engineering’s own work. Tuya is a company that build “white label” goods for many different brands, and that’s how these plugs were made. You can find them under a number of different brand names, but they all share the same firmware and, critically, the same pairing and update keys.

One of the best part about these Tuya/Gosund plugs is that they are tiny in the sense of taking very little space. They are less than half the size of my first Kasa-branded TP-Link smart plug, and even when compared with the newer Tapo-branded one they are quite slimmer. This makes for adding them easily to places that are a bit on the constrained side.

The Firmware

I did not buy these devices to run with the original firmware. Unlike the CGG1 and pretty much everything else I’m running at home, this time I went straight for the “I want to run ESPHome on them.” The reason for that was on one side, I’m annoyed and burnt by the two TP-Link devices, and from the other, the price of Hue-compatible smart plugs was annoyingly high. That would have been my default alternative.

Of the various important things to me, Home Assistant support grown from a “meh, sure” to “yeah I want that” — and in part because I did manage to set up scripts for quite a bit of tools at home through it. One of my original concerns (wanting to still be able to control most of these features by voice) is taken care of by signing up for Nabu Casa, which provides integration for both Google Assistant and Alexa, so even with the plug running a custom and maybe janky, firmware, getting it to work with the rest of the house would be a breeze.

There’s other options for open source firmware for the SP111, as well as other smart plugs. Tasmota is one of the most commonly used for this, and there’s another called ESPurna. I have not spent time investigating them, because I already have one ESPHome device running, and it was easier to lower my cognitive load to use something I already kinda know. After all, the plan is to replace the Kasa plug once we take out the Christmas tree, which would remove not one but two integrations from Google and Amazon (and one from Home Assistant).

All of these options can be flashed the first time around with tuya-convert, even though the procedure ended up not being totally clear to me — although in part that was caused by my… somewhat difficult set up. This was actually part of the requirements. Most smart home devices appear to be built around ESP8622 or ESP32, which means you can, with enough convincing, flash them with ESPHome (I’m still convincing my acrylic lamp circuit board), but quite a few require you have physical access to the serial port. I wanted something I could flash without having to take it apart.

The way this works, in very rough terms, is that the Tuya-based devices can be tricked into connecting to a local open network, and from there with the right protocol, they can be convinced to dump their firmware and to update it with an arbitrary firmware binary. The tuya-convert repository includes pretty much all the things you need to set this up, neatly packaged in a nearly user-friendly way. I say nearly, because as it turns out there’s so much that can go wrong with it, that the frustration is real.

The Process.

Part 1: WiFi.

First of all, you need a machine that has a WiFi adapter that supports Access Point mode (AP mode/hostapd mode, those are the keywords to look for it). This is very annoying to know for sure, because manufacturers tend to use the same model number across hardware revisions (that may entirely change the chipset) and countries — after all, Matthew ended up turning to Xbox One controller adapters! (And as it turns out, he says they should actually support that mode, with a limited range.)

The usual “go-to” for this is to use a laptop which also has an Ethernet port. Unfortunately I don’t have one, and in particular, I don’t have a Linux laptop anymore. I tried using a couple of Live Distros to set this up, but for one reason or another they were a complete bust (I couldn’t even type on Ubuntu’s Terminal, don’t even ask.)

In my case, I have a NUC on top of my desk, and that’s my usual Linux machine (the one I’m typing on right now!) so I could have used that… except I did disable the WiFi in the firmware when I got it, since I wired it with a cable, and I didn’t feel the need to keep it enabled. This appears to have been a blessing in disguise for a while, or I would have been frustrated at one of the openSUSE updates in December, when a kernel bug caused the system to become unusable with the WiFi on. Which is what happened when I turned the WiFi on in the firmware.

Since I don’t like waiting, and I thought it would generally be a good idea to have at least one spare USB WiFi dongle at home (it would have turned useful at least once before), I went and ordered one on Amazon that people suggested might work. Except it probably got a hardware revision in the middle, and the one I received wasn’t suitable — or, some of the reports say that it depends on the firmware loaded on it; I really didn’t care to debug that too much once I got to that stage.

Fast forward a few weeks, the kernel bug is fixed, so I tried again. The tuya-convert script uses Docker to set up everything, so it sounded like just installing Docker and docker-compose on my openSUSE installation would be enough, right? Well, no. Somehow the interaction of Docker and KVM virtual machines had side effects on the networking, and when I tried I both lost connectivity to Home Assistant (at least over IPv6), and the tuya-convert script kept terminating by itself without providing any useful information.

So instead, I decided to make my life easier and more difficult at the same time.

Part 1.1: WiFi In A Virtual Machine

I didn’t want Docker to make a mess of my networking setup. I also wasn’t quite sure of what tuya-convert would be doing on my machine (yes, it’s open source, but hey I don’t have time to audit all of it). So instead of trying to keep running this within my normal openSUSE install, I decided to run this in a virtual machine.

Of course I need WiFi in the VM, and as I said earlier, I couldn’t just pass through the USB dongle, because it wouldn’t work with hostapd. But modern computers support PCI pass-through, when IOMMU is enabled. My NUC’s WiFi supports hostapd, and it’s sitting unused, since I connect to the network over a cable.

The annoying part was that for performance issues, IOMMU is disabled by default, at least for Intel CPUs, so you have to add intel_iommu=on for the option of passing through PCI devices to KVM virtual machines to be available. This thread has more information, but you probably don’t need all of it, as that focuses on passing through graphic cards, which is a much more complicated topic.

The next problem was what operating system to run in the VM itself. At first I tried using the LiveDVD of openSUSE — but that didn’t work out: the Docker setup that tuya-convert uses is pretty much installing a good chunk of Ubuntu, and it runs out of memory quickly, and when it does it throws a lot of I/O errors from the btrfs loaded into memory. Oops.

Missing a VM image of openSUSE Tumbleweed, I decided to try their image for JeOS instead, which is a stripped down version meant to be used in virtualized environments. This seemed to fit like a glove at first, but then my simplicity plans got foiled by not realizing that usually virtualized environments don’t care for WiFi. Although the utter lack of NetworkManager or any other WiFi tooling turned out to be handy to make sure that nothing tried to steal the WiFi away from tuya-convert.

In addition to changing the kernel package with a version that cares about WiFi drivers, you need to install the right firmware package for the card. After that, at least the first part is nearly taken care of — you will most likely need a few more tools, such as Git and your editor of choice. And of course, Docker and docker-compose.

And then, do yourself a favour, and turn off firewalld entirely in your virtual machine. Maybe I should have said earlier “Don’t let the VM be published to the Internet at large”, but I hope if you get to try to pass-through a WiFi device, you knew better than doing that anyway. The firewall is something that is not obvious is going to get in your way later when you set to run tuya-convert, and it’ll make the whole setup fail silently in the hardest way possible to debug.

Indeed, when I looked for my issues I found tons of posts, issues, blogs all complaining about the same symptom I had, which was all caused by having a firewall in place. The tuya-convert script does a lot of things to set up stuff, but it can’t easily take down a firewall, and that is a biggie.

Indeed, and I’ll repeat that later, at some point the instructions tell you to connect some other device to their network and suggest otherwise it might not be working. My impression is that this is done because if it doesn’t work, you shouldn’t try taking the next steps yet. But the problem is that there is no note anywhere to help you if it doesn’t work — and the reason for it failing is likely the firewall stopping the DHCP server from receiving the requests. Oops.

Part 2: The Firmware Blob

ESPHome configurations are… sometimes very personal. I have found one for the SP111 on the Home Assistant forums and adapted it, but… I don’t really feel like recommending that one. So I’m afraid I won’t take responsibility for how you configure your ESPHome firmware for the plug.

Also, once you have ESPHome on the device, changing the config is nearly trivial, from the Home Assistant integration, so I feel it’s important to have something working at first, and then worry about perfecting it.

I think someone will be confused here on why am I jumping on configuring the firmware blob before we got to convert the device to use it. The reason for that is that you want to have the binary file (either built locally or generated with the Home Assistant integration and downloaded), and you put it into tuya-convert/files/, you will be able to directly flash that version, without going through the intermediate step of using one of the bundled firmware just to be able to update to an arbitrary firmware. But to do that, it needs to happen before you complete the Docker setup.

So, find yourself a working config for the device on the forums (and if you find one that is maintained and templated, so that one can just drop it in and just configure the parameters, please let me know), and generate your ESPHome firmware from there.

Also note that the firmware itself identifies the specific device. This means you cannot flash more than one device with the same firmware or you’ll have quite the headache to sort them out afterwards. Not saying it isn’t possible, but I just found it easier to make the firmware for the devices I was going to flash, and then load each one. As usual, my favourite tool to remember what is what would be my label maker, so that I don’t mix up which one I flashed with which binary.

Part 3: The Conversion

Okay so here’s the inventory of what you should have by this point before we move on to the actual conversion:

Only at this point you can go and follow the instruction of tuya-convert: create Docker image, setup docker-compose, and run the image. The firmware files need to be added before creating the docker image, because docker-compose does not bind the external files/ directory at all.

Once the software starts, it’ll ask you to connect another device that is not the plug to the WiFi. I’m not entirely sure if it’s just for diagnostics, but in either case, you should be able to connect to the network — the password should be flashmeifyoucan, although I don’t think I’ve seen that documented anywhere except when googling around for other people having had issues with their process.

If you try this from your phone, you should be prompted to login into the WiFi network through a captive portal — the portal is just a single page telling you that the setup is completed. If your phone gets stuck in the “Obtaining IP Address” phase, like mine did, make sure you really took down the firewall. This got me stuck for a while because I thought that the Docker itself controlled the whole firewall settings — but that does not appear to be the case.

Final Thoughts

I guess that this guide is not going to be very useful, with the new versions of the SP111 not being supported by tuya-convert (and not clear if it can be supported), but since I have two plugs still unused, it helps me to have written down the process to avoid getting myself stuck again.

The plugs appear to have configurable sensors for voltage, amperage, and total wattage used — and the configuration of those is why I’m not comfortable sharing the config I’m using: I took someone’s from a forum post but I don’t quite agree with some of the choice made, some of the values appear fairly pointless to me.

Voltage monitoring would have been an useful piece of information when I was back in Italy — those who read the blog a long time ago might remember that the power company over there didn’t really have any decent power available. Over here it feels like it’s very stable, so I doubt we’ll notice anything useful with these.

Having Smart Home devices that don’t rely on cloud services is much more comfortable than otherwise. I do like the idea of being able to just ask one of the voice assistants to turn off the subwoofer while I’m playing Fallout 76, for sure — but it’s one thing to have the convenience, and another to depend on it to control it. And as I said some time ago, I disagree with the assertion that there cannot be a secure and safe IoT Smart Home (and yes, “secure” and “safe” are two separate concepts).

As for smart plugs in particular? I’m still not entirely sold, but I can see that there definitely are devices where trying to bring the smart in the device is unlikely to help. Not as many though — it’s still a problem to find something that cannot be served better by more fine-grained control. In the case of the subwoofer, most of the controls (volume, cross-over, phase) are manual knobx on the back of the device. Would it have made sense to have a “smart subwoofer” that can tweak all of those values from the Home Assistant interface? I would argue yes — but at the same time, I can see in this case an expense of £10 for a smart plug beats the idea of replacing the subwoofer entirely.

I honestly have doubts about the Christmas tree lights as well. Not that I expect to be able to control them with an app, but the “controller” for them seems to be fairly standard, so I do expect if I search AliExpress for some “smart” controller for those I will probably find something — the question is whether I would find something I can use locally without depending on an external cloud service from an unknown Chinese brand. So maybe I’ll go back to one of my oldest attempts at electronics (13 years ago!) and see what I can find.

By the way, if you’re curious what else I am currently planning to use these smart plugs on… I’m playing with the idea of changing my Birch Books to use 12V LEDs – originally meant for Gunpla and similar models – and I was thinking that instead of leaving it always-on, I can just connect it with the rest of the routines that we use to turn the “living” items on and off.

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