Introducing usbmon-tools

A couple of weeks ago I wrote some notes about my work in progress to implement usbmon captures handling code, and pre-announced I was going to publish more of my extraction/inspection scripts.

The good news is that the project is now released, and you can find it on GitHub as usbmon-tools with an Apache 2.0 license, and open to contributions (with a CLA, sorry about that part). This is the first open source project I release using my employer’s releasing process (for other projects, I used the IARC process instead), and I have to say I’m fairly pleased with the results.

This blog post is meant mostly as a way to explain what’s going on my head regarding this project, with the hope that contributors can help it become reality. Or that they can contribute other ideas to it, even when they are not part of my particular plans.

I want to start with a consideration on the choice of language. usbmon-tools is written in Python 3. And in particular it is restricted to Python 3.7, because I wanted to have access to type annotations, which I found extremely addictive at work. I even set up Travis CI to run mypy as part of the integration tests for the repository.

For other projects I tend to be more conservative, and wait for Debian stable to have a certain version before requiring that as a minimum, but as this is a toolset for developers primarily, I’m going to expect its public to be able to deal with Python 3.7 as the requirement. This version was released nearly a year ago, and that should be plenty of time for people to have one at hand.

As for what the project should achieve in my view, is an easy way for developers to dissect an USB snooping trace. I started by building a simplistic tool that recreates a text format trace from the pcapng file, based on the official documentation of usbmon in the kernel (I have some patches to improve on that, too, but that probably will become a post in by itself next week). It’s missing isochronous support, and it’s not totally tested, but it at least gave me a few important insight on the format itself, including the big caveat that the “id” (or tag) of the URBs is not unique.

Indeed, I think that alone is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle in the library: in addition to parsing the pcapng file itself, the library can re-tag the events so that they get a real unique identifier (UUID), making it significantly easier to analyze the traces.

My next steps on the project are to write a more generic tool to convert a USB capture into what I call my “chatter format” (similar to the one I used to discuss serial protocols), and a more specific one that converts HID traces (because HID is a more defined protocol, and we can go a level deeper in exposing this into a human-readable source). I’m also considering if it would be within reach to provide the tool a HID descriptor blob, parse it and have it used to parse the HID traffic based on it. It would make some debugging particularly easier, for instance the stuff I did when I was fixing the ELECOM DEFT trackball.

I would also love to be able to play with a trace in a more interactive manner, for instance by loading this into Jupyter notebook, so that I could try parsing the blobs interactively, but unless someone with more experience with those contributes the code, I don’t expect I’ll have much time for it.

Pull requests are more than welcome!

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