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Running services on Virgin Media (Ireland)

Update 2020-09-16: lots of customers of Virgin Media Ireland appear to be finding this blog post trying to get IPv6 Prefix Delegation working. Unfortunately, the instructions are now completely out of date and provided only for a historical perspective. I haven’t lived in Ireland for three years now, so I don’t know what the current best practices are – if you do, please let the other readers know in the comments! – but the last setup I had for this involved using RA bridging, which is not the easiest thing to set up. Unfortunately I can’t even document how I did that, since movers stole my router when I moved.

Update: just a week after I wrote this down (and barely after I managed to post this), Virgin Media turned off IPv6-PD on the Hub 3.0. I’m now following up with them and currently without working IPv6 (and no public IPv4) at home, which sucks.

I have not spoken much about my network setup since I moved to Dublin, mostly because there isn’t much to speak, although admittedly there are a few interesting things that are quite different from before.

The major one is that my provider (Virgin Media Ireland, formerly known as UPC Ireland) supports native IPv6 connectivity through DS-Lite. For those who are not experts of IPv6 deployments, this means that the network has native IPv6 but loses the public IPv4 addressing: the modem/router gets instead a network-local IPv4 address (usually in the RFC1918 or RFC6598 ranges), and one or more IPv6 prefix delegations from which it provides connectivity to the local network.

This means you lose the ability to port-forward a public IPv4 address to a local host, which many P2P users would be unhappy about, as well as having to deal with one more level of NAT (and that almost always involves rate limiting by the provider on the number of ports that can be opened simultaneously.) On the other hand, it gives you direct, native access to the IPv6 network without taking away (outbound) access to the legacy, IPv4 network, in a much more user-friendly way than useless IPv6-only networks that rely on NAT64. But it also brings a few other challenges with it.

Myself, I actually asked to be opted in the DS-Lite trial when it was still not mandatory. The reason for me is that I don’t really use P2P that much (although a couple of times it was simpler to find a “pirate” copy of a DVD I already own, rather than trying to rip it to watch it now that I have effectively no DVD reader), and so I have very few reasons to need a public IPv4 address. On the other hand, I do have a number of backend-only servers that are only configured over the IPv6 network, and so having native access to the network is preferable. On the other hand I do have sometimes the need to SSH into a local box or HTTP over Transmission or similar software.

Anyway back on my home network, I have a Buffalo router running OpenWRT behind the so-called Virgin Media Hub (which is also the cable modem — and no it’s not more convenient to just get a modem-mode device, because this is EuroDOCSIS which is different from the US version, and Virgin Media does not support it.) And yes this means that IPv4 is actually triple-natted! This device is configured to get a IPv6 prefix delegation from the Hub, and uses that for the local network, as well as the IPv4 NAT.

Note: for this to work your Hub needs to be configured to have DHCPv6 enabled, which may or may not do so by default (mine was enabled, but then a “factory restore” disabled it!) To do so, go to the Hub admin page, login, and under Advanced, DHCP make sure that IPv6 is set to Stateful. That’s it.

There are two main problems that needs to be solved to be able to provide external access to a webapp running on the local server: dynamic addressing and firewalls. These two issues are more intertwined than I would like, making it difficult to explain the solution step by step, so let me first present the problems.

On the machine that needs to serve the web app, the first problem to solve is making sure that it gets at least one stable IPv6 address that can be reached from the outside. It used to be very simple, because except for IPv6 privacy extensions the IPv6 address was stable and calculated based on prefix and hardware (MAC) address. Unfortunately this is not the the case now; RFC7217 provides “Privacy stable addressing”, and NetworkManager implements it. In a relatively-normal situation, these addresses are by all means stable, and you could use them just fine. Except there is a second dynamic issue at hand, at least with my provider: the prefix is not stable, both for the one assigned to the Hub, and for that then delegated to the Buffalo router. Which means the network address that the device gets is closer to random than stable.

While this first part is relatively easy to fix by using one a service that allows you to dynamically update a host name, and indeed this is part of my setup too (I use, it does not solve the next problem, which is to open the firewall to let the connections in. Indeed, firewalls are particularly important on IPv6 networks, where every device would otherwise be connected and visible to the public. Unfortunately unless you connect directly to the Hub, there is no way to tell the device to only allow a given device, no matter what the prefix assigned is. So I started by disabling the IPv6 firewall (since no device is connected to the Hub directly beside the OpenWRT), and rely exclusively on the OpenWRT-provided firewall. This is the first level passed. There is one more.

Since the prefix that the OpenWRT receives as delegation keeps changing, it’s not possible to just state the IPv6 you want to allow access to in the firewall config, as it’ll change every time the prefix changes, even without the privacy mode enabled. But there is a solution: when using stable, not privacy enabled addresses, the suffix of the address is stable, and you can bet that someone already added support in ip6tables to match against a suffix. Unfortunately the OpenWRT UI does not let you set it up, but you can do that from the config file itself.

On the target host, which I’m assuming is using NetworkManager (because if not, you can just let it use the default address and not have to do anything), you have to set this one property:

# nmcli connection show
[take note of the UUID shown in the list]
# nmcli connection modify ${uuid} +ipv6.addr-gen-mode eui64

This re-enables EUI-64 based addressing for IPv6, which is based off the mac address of the card. It’ll change the address (and will require reconfiguration in OpenWRT, too) if you change the network card or its MAC address. But it does the job for me.

From the OpenWRT UI, as I said, there is no way to set the right rule. But you can configure it just fine in the firewall configuration file, /etc/config/firewall:

config rule
        option enabled '1'
        option target 'ACCEPT'
        option name 'My service'
        option family 'ipv6'
        option src 'wan'
        option dest 'lan'
        option dest_ip '::0123:45ff:fe67:89AB/::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'

You have to replace ::0123:45ff:fe67:89AB with the correct EUI64 suffix, which includes splicing in ff:fe and flipping one bit. I never remember how to calculate it so I just copy-paste it from the machine as I need it. This should give you a way to punch through all the firealls and get you remote access.

What remains to be solved at this point is having a stable way to contact the service. This is usually easy, as dynamic DNS hosts have existed for over twenty years by now, and indeed the now-notorious (for being at the receiving end of one of the biggest DDoS attacks just a few days ago) Dyn built up their fame. Unfortunately, they appear to have actually vastly dropped the ball when it comes to dynamic DNS hosting, as I couldn’t convince them (at least at the time) to let me update a host with only IPv6. This might be more of a problem with the clients than the service, but it’s still the same. So, as I noted earlier, I ended up using, although it took me a while where to find the right way to update a v6-only host: the default curl command you can find is actually for IPv4 hosts.

Oh yeah there was a last one remaining problem with this, at least when I started looking into fixing this all up: at the time Let’s Encrypt did not support IPv6-only hosts, when it came to validating domains with HTTP requests, so I spent a few weeks fighting and writing tools trying to find a decent way to have a hostname that is both dynamic and allows for DNS-based domain control validation for ACME. I will write about that separately, since it takes us on a tangent that has nothing to do with the actual Virgin Media side of things.

Comments 2
  1. Wait, they’re giving you a *dynamic* IPv6 prefix? I thought getting rid of ugly hacks like dynamic addressing was the whole point of deploying IPv6? Someone at Virgin apparently didn’t get the memo… sigh…

  2. To be fair, they probably do that under the idea of privacy. Particularly for residential cases, the dynamicness of addresses is less of a technical limitation and more of a choice, even with v4. With v6, we’ve seen already that the privacy response is to not use the stable addressing because it’s too easy to track an user across networks — dynamic IPv6 prefixes protect the users from tracking their home connections so easily, too.

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