It was not even six months ago that I written about my monster — the web app that used Mongo and sent PDF to be printed to my home server over IPv6 Internet. But still, the monster is now dead; I’m now considering whether I want to unleash the sources to the world or whether I should just bury it altogether.
What’s going on? Well, from one side I stopped working as a MSP — it doesn’t pay enough for me to actually pay taxes as well as live in Italy. Not working on that anymore I no longer have the need to actually have a database of my customers’ computers. On the other side, I’m having quite a few concerns regarding my choice of MongoDB as a data backend.
So MongoDB seems to be great for rapid prototyping: it allows you to work without having to define a schema you might not know beforehand, and it still allows you decent performance by declaring indexes — which seems to be the one feature that most NoSQL-era databases seem to ignore, if not shun, altogether. But even that seems to lose its traction in front of things like Amazon’s SimpleDB, that I’m currently using for tinderbox log analysis with quite a bit of success.
This is not much because, once you actually finish with the design, the database is solid as a rock, but rather because using MongoDB actually involves quite a bit of work in administration that, honestly, I find hard to justify even for a pet project of mine. First of all there are the dependencies, which include v8 (but that seems to be the case for execjs as well); then there is the fact that MongoDB was not really designed to work in an Unix environment.
This seems to be another constant of NoSQL approaches: not only they laugh at the whole SQL idea (which served us for scores of years, and seems to still serve us fine for the most part), but also at other Unix conventions, such as the FHS or syslog, or simply the format of command-line parameters.
More importantly to me, though, is the bad attitude that the upstream developers have, toward proper versioning and compatibility. Why do I say this? Well, you probably remember my rant about their Ruby bindings and the way they mixed two extensions’ in the same git repository. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
My monster above actually used Mongoid for the Rails support – Durran did a terrific job with the project! – but I’ve been keeping on version 2, rather than 3, because the new version is Ruby 1.9 only (and JRuby in 1.9-mode, but that’s beside the point). I was looking forward for 3 anyway because it’s based not on the original gems, but on new code written by Durran, who has much more clue about Ruby. While waiting, though, I lost interest in MongoDB due to the way the original gems became even worse than they were before — and all of this is not caused by Durran, but it’s despite his huge effort to make MongoDB work nice in Ruby.
What happened? Gentoo currently provides the bson gem, and the version-synced mongo gem, up to version 1.6.2 — after that, they broke their API — and not by calling the new version 2.0, or 1.7… it’s 1.6.3, followed by 1.6.4! This wouldn’t be that bad if upstream actually fixed this quickly by either releasing a new version with the API that were removed, so we could just ignore the two broken release, or at least release a 1.7 so that the new software could use that, and we could slot it, while keeping the old software on version 1.6.2 (“revoking” the other two).
But upstream seem to have no intention to continue that way; so right now Gentoo looks like lagging behind on three gems (bson, mongo and mongoid) due to this problem. Why mongoid? Well, Durran couldn’t make a new release of 2 working with the new bson gem because they removed something he was using. And since he’s pouring all his work into version 3, he’s not interested in trying to fix a bigger screwup from upstream — so the version of mongoid that is not in Gentoo, and likely will never be, is just changing the gem’s dependencies to require bson 1.6.2 and nothing later.
I’m sorry but if this is the way MongoDB is developed, I have no intention to put my own data to risk with it. Tomorrow I’ll probably export all the data from my current MongoDB database into some XML file, so I can access it and then I’ll just stop the app and remove the MongoDB instance altogether.
FHS isn’t unix, its Linux.
Shhhh, FHS is FreeBSD, too
As much as I understand your pov, I hope and feel like you may someday use mongoDB again.From my dev-db/mongodb packager perspective I find the core server upstream rather good at listening and communicating even tho I’m not happy with their spidermonkey bundling and 1.7 stickiness