This Time Self-Hosted
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For a while I have been quoting songs, anime and other media when choosing posts’ titles; then I stopped. Today, it looks perfectly fine to quote the title of one of the Bleach anime endings, by Takacha, since it suits what my post is about… just so you know.

So, since my blog has been experiencing technical difficulties last week, as you might know, I want to move out of the current vserver (midas), which is thankfully sponsored by IOS for xine project to a different server that I can handle just for the blog and a couple more things. I’m now waiting for a few answers (from IOS to start) to see where this blog is going to be deployed next time (I’m looking for Gentoo Linux vservers again).

The main problem is that the big, expensive factor in all this is the traffic; midas is currently serving lots of traffic: this blog alone averages over a 300 MB/day, which gets down to about 10GB of traffic a month. But the big hits come from the git repositories, which means that a relatively easy way to cut down the traffic expense of the server is to move the repositories out.

For this reason I’ve migrated my overlay back over Gentoo hardware (layman included), while Ruby-Elf is the first of my projects to be hosted at gitorious (I’m going to add Autotools Mythbuster soon too).

As for why I decided to go with gitorious over GitHub, it’s a technical and political reason for me. Technical, because I like the interface better; political both for the AGPL3 license used by gitorious and for the fact that it does not highlight the “fork it” method that github seem to have based itself off. On the other hand, I actually had difficulties finding where to clone the unofficial PulseAudio repository to prepare my local copy, and the project interface shows pretty well the “Merge Requests” counter.

At any rate there will be some of my stuff available at github at the end of the day, mostly the things that started or are now maintained within github, like Typo itself (for which I have quite a few changes locally, both bug fixes and behaviour changes, that I’d like to get merged upstream soonish).

This starts to look like a good training for when I’ll actually move out of home too.

Update (2017-04-22): as you may know, Gitorious was acquired by GitLab in 2015 and turned down the service. Which not only means this post is now completely useless, but I gave up and joined the GitHub crowd, since that service “won the war”. Unfortunately some of my content from Gitorious has been lost because I wasn’t good at keeping backups.

Comments 1
  1. Movin!! is one of the best Bleach endings…but I don’t know if it’s as good as Houki Boshi, by Younha 😉

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