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Being driven crazy by lilypond

When I updated Rosegarden in the Portage Tree, I started looking at lilypond too; this because Rosegarden can make use of it for a few optional features (which were bound to an useflag in the proaudio overlay, although I preferred to drop those useflags as they are optional runtime dependencies, and Rosegarden is pretty explicit that you need those tools to enable special features anyway).

Unfortunately the first thing that stopped me from merging lilypond was a cyclic dependency of two different fontconfig versions, due to bug 178629. I’ve decided to look into that as soon as I could, and so I did in the past days.

Even if Ed’s patch actually fixes the building with recent fontconfig, I don’t seem to be able to get lilypond working. When I try to build anything with lilypond, I get a failure message from ghostscript, both the GPL and the ESP package. I asked HombreMagique in -it to provide me a package of lilypond built on his system (with the fontforge it actually requires in portage) and the result is the same, I can’t produce the PDF file, nor disply the PS file itself.

I also tried producing an SVG, but GwenView does not display anything beside the title, and rsvg produces a PNG with a lot of Japanese glyphs. Producing a PNG directly from lilypond seems to involve ghostscript again and I have no result.

The TeX backend produces an empty .tex file.

Trying lilypond 2.11 doesn’t help, it returns me even more errors, and I can’t even choose the backend anymore (-b does not work).

The obnoxious thing is that it seems to work for everybody I ask to try it! It just doesn’t want to work for me!

Update: seems like the problem is guile built with -ftree-vectorize, thanks hkBst for pointing me at that! 🙂

Comments 2
  1. Am I? This was suggested to me by Halcyon when he was still taking care of GCC 4 on Gentoo.

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