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Status update (1): Media

Time for status updates, I really like them… ok maybe not, but they are useful.

First of all, the public scary feeling that my plan for phasing out XMMS reached its target πŸ™‚ Luis “MetalGOD” Medinas joined this evening the sound herd as new XMMS maintainer. Good luck Luis, and keep it up πŸ™‚ I think many users now can be less worried about losing their preferred player.

Also Andrej “Ticho” Kacian joined sound herd, handling mpd and related, so also this new packages familiy is actively maintained now. There are, tho, other packages that needs help and love, so if someone wants to join, it’s always welcome πŸ™‚

I also tried cleaning up some of the bugs for sound project today, as there were a couple that were trivial, and at least 3 referred to faac were basically the same buggy bootstrap script being used. This should be solved using eautoreconf.

On another note, I wish to thank djm on -media, that solved a little problem I was hitting my head against tonight while trying daapd (needed to start mDNSResponder service :P).. now, using daapd and iTunes, I can finally listen to my music from the iBook without having to fill its hard disk! πŸ™‚

Okay for this status update is enough, proceeding with the next one ,) [Planet readers will hate me so much, for showing my face every time :P]

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