Ok sometime ago, while I started working on Gentoo/FreeBSD project, I heard some comments about it like “it will always be late respect ports because it’s not FreeBSD’s.
This is being proved wrong 🙂
I already told how I was trying to get xine-lib compile out of the box on Gentoo/FreeBSD.
Well right now we have a working (perfectly working) xine-lib-1.1.0 package on Gentoo/FreeBSD (while FreeBSD’s ports has 1.0.1), and a working xine-ui-0.99.4 (which needs a big patch to work on FreeBSD as it uses some GNU-only functions, like strndup() and getline()), while ports has just 0.99.3 (they are welcome to use my patch if they want).
I don’t see why we should be “always late”, also because we usually work with upstream to get thing fixed, so we don’t need to have patches for years around.
OpenCDK is another example of software we have more update of ports (0.5.7 vs 0.5.5), which doesn’t need the patch there’s on ports nor the sed-fu in the Makefile to replace malloc.h with stdlib.h. Why that? Because I sent the malloc replacement upstream, and they just fixed that on the sources.
So, for whoever in FreeBSD project think that we’re just bothering their stuff, please take a look of what we’re really doing: we’re making easier your work, too!