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Planets, feeds and blogs

You have probably noticed that last month I replaced Harvester with rawdog for Planet Multimedia. The reasons was easy to explain: Harvester requires libraries that only work with Ruby 1.8 — and while on one hand moving to Ruby 1.9 or 2 would mean being able to use the feedfetcher (the same one used by IFTTT), my attempts at updating the code to work with a more modern version of Ruby have been all failures.

Since I did not intend to be swamped with one more custom tool to maintain I turned to another standard tool to implement the aggregator, rawdog — holding my nose on the use of darcs for source control, and the name (please don’t google for it without safe search on, at work). The nice part about using this tool is that it’s packaged in Gentoo already, so it’s handled straight by portage with binary packages. Unfortunately, the default templates are terrible, and the settings non-obvious, but Luca was able to make the best out of it.

But more and more problems got obvious with time. The first is that the tool is does not respect the return codes at exit — it always returns zero (success) even if the processing was incomplete; it took me two weeks to figure out that the script failed when running in cron because the environment lacked the locale settings, as the cron logs said that everything was alright, and since I use fcron, it also did not send me any email, as I set it to mail me only for errors.

A couple of days ago, I got complains again that the Planet was not updating; again, no error in the cron logs, no error in my email. I ran the command manually, and I was told by it that Luca’s feed, on, was unreachable. Okay, sure. But then it did not solve itself when it came back up. Today I looked back into it and J-B’s and Rémi’s blogs feed were unreachable. Once again, no non-zero exit status, thus no mail, no error in the logs. This is not the way it should behave.

But that’s not enough. the other problem with rawdog is that it does not, by default, support generating a feed for the aggregation, like Harvester (and Planet/Venus) does. I found that Jonathan Riddell actually built a plugin for Planet KDE to generate the feed, but I haven’t tested it yet because I have not found the authoritative source of it, but just multiple copies of it in different websites. It also produces RSS feeds, rather than Atom feeds. And I’m sorry to say but Atom is much preferred, for me.

So where does it leave us? I’m not going to try fixing rawdog I’m afraid. Mostly because I don’t intend spending time with darcs. My options are either go back to Harvester and fix it to not use DBI and support Ruby 1.9, or try to adapt parts of NewsBlur – that already deal with aggregating feeds and producing new feeds – to make up an alternative to rawdog. If I am to do something like that, though, I’m most likely going to take my dear time and make it a web-configurable tool, rather than something that needs to be configured on the command line or with configuration files.

The reason for that is, very simply, that I’m growing fond of doing most of my work on a browser when I can, and this looks like a perfect solution to the problem. Even more so if you can give access to someone else to look into it — and if you can avoid storing passwords.

So, any takers to help me with this project?

Comments 2
  1. rawdog is a glorified script around feedparser, fixing it (and I mean moving to git as first step) isn’t impossible.I have my python hands full with gcovr and plaid already (curious people willing to help are welcome to drop by github) once one of the two gets on a decent shape I might play with you.There is a flask+feedparser+db thing already but I didn’t consider it probably because it has a web administrative interface only.

  2. Have you tried the Planet Pluto as an alternative? It’s a modern (free, open source) feedreader in Ruby packaged as a gem (that is, pluto). More info @ Cheers.

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