2821 posts
Eircode: Perfect, Broken, Or In-Between?
I probably shouldn't have been brought into a social media argument about Eircode, but I thought I would take it as a chance to explain trade-offs are a thing.
IPv6 In Real Life: Network Access Controls
Let me have another go at IPv6, although for once it's not really its fault, and the lack of decent options for enforcing network access controls.
Again On Transports: Car Culture, Motors, And Me
Some personal reflections on what it is that I don't like about having to get a car, part two of a longer term series in regards to transportation.
First Impressions Of A 3D Printer
Probably first in a series: a very intro level feeling of buying my first 3D printer.
20 Years Of Blogging
I have been thinking how to celebrate my blogging anniversary, since today, twenty years ago (May 31st, 2004),…
Free Software Cooperatives Redux
Slightly ranty, but let me give more reasons why I believe the only sustainable option for Free Software maintainership is co-operatives.
Intentionally Permissive Licensing
I decided to write down my personal views on licensing and why most of my projects are licensed under permissive licenses, rather than copyleft.
On My Dislike For Advent Of Code
I have already expressed my personal dislike for Advent of Code over the years. But I thought I would at least try to write down what makes me so vocal about it when it comes around.
Code Reviews In The Workplace
I've been meaning to write my commentary on code reviews for a while. This is particularly a view of how code reviews are done in the workplace, rather than in Free Software projects.
Free Idea: Smart Home and Water Softeners
Here is another suggestion of an idea available for others to implement, since I have no time for it: how to measure whether a water softener needs to be refilled with new blocks of salt. Plus some musings about using a battery for it.