Service Announcement: Pawsome Players Streaming Week

You may remember I have been irregularly streaming on Twitch some of my FLOSS work, which focused almost exclusively on unpaper over the past few months. Now, unrelated to this, Cats Protection, the British no-profit whose primary goal is to rehome cats in need, launched their Pawsome Players initiative, aiming at raising fund through streaming — video games primarily, but not just.

With this in mind, I decided to join the fun, and will be streaming for the whole week at least an hour every day, and work on more FLOSS projects. You can find the full schedule (as well as donate to the campaign) on Tiltify, and if you want to get reminded of a particular night, you can join the events on the blog’s Facebook page.

In addition to wrapping up the Meson conversion of Unpaper, I’m planning to do a little bit of work on quite a few more other projects:

I’m also open to the idea of doing some live code-reviews — I did lots of those when working at Google, and while for those I had a lot of specific standards to appeal to, a number of suggestions are nearly universal, and I have done this before where I was pointed at some Python project and gave some general advice of what I see. I’d be willing to take a random project and see what I can notice, if the author is willing!

Also, bonus points for anyone who guesses where the name of the fundraising page from.

So I hope I’ll hear from you on the stream chat (over on Twitch), and that you’ll join me in supporting Cats Protection to help find every kitty a forever home (me and my wife would love to be one of those homes, but it’s not easy when renting in London), and reach the £1985 target.

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