“Planets” in the World of Cloud

As I have written recently, I’m trying to reduce the amount of servers I directly manage, as it’s getting annoying and, honestly, out of touch with what my peers are doing right now. I already hired another company to run the blog for me, although I do keep access to all its information at hand and can migrate where needed. I also give it a try to use Firebase Hosting for my tiny photography page, to see if it would be feasible to replace my homepage with that.

But one of the things that I still definitely need a server for is keep running Planet Multimedia, despite its tiny userbase and dwindling content (if you work in FLOSS multimedia, and you want to be added to the Planet, drop me an email!)

Right now, the Planet is maintained through rawdog, which is a Python script that works locally with no database. This is great to run on a vserver, but in a word where most of the investments and improvements go on Cloud services, that’s not really viable as an option. And to be honest, the fact that this is still using Python 2 worries me no little, particularly when the author insists that Python 3 is a different language (it isn’t).

So, I’m now in the market to replace the Planet Multimedia backend with something that is “Cloud native” — that is, designed to be run on some cloud, and possibly lightweight. I don’t really want to start dealing with Kubernetes, running my own PostgreSQL instances, or setting up Apache. I really would like something that looks more like the redirector I blogged about before, or like the stuff I deal with for a living at work. Because it is 2019.

So sketching this “on paper” very roughly, I expect such a software to be along the lines of a single binary with a configuration file, that outputs static files that are served by the web server. Kind of like rawdog, but long-running. Changing the configuration would require restarting the binary, but that’s acceptable. No database access is really needed, as caching can be maintained to process level — although that would men that permanent redirects couldn’t be rewritten in the configuration. So maybe some configuration database would help, but it seems most clouds support some simple unstructured data storage that would solve that particular problem.

From experience with work, I would expect the long running binary to be itself a webapp, so that you can either inspect (read-only) what’s going on, or make changes to the database configuration with it. And it should probably have independent parallel execution of fetchers for the various feeds, that then store the received content into a shared (in-memory only) structure, that is used by the generation routine to produce the output files. It may sounds like over-engineering the problem, but that’s a bit of a given for me, nowadays.

To be fair, the part that makes me more uneasy of all is authentication, but Identity-Aware Proxy might be a good solution for this. I have not looked into that but used something similar at work.

I’m explicitly ignoring the serving-side problem: serving static files is a problem that has mostly been solved, and I think all cloud providers have some service that allows you to do that.

I’m not sure if I will be able to work more on this, rather than just providing a sketched-out idea. If anyone knows of something like this already, or feels like giving a try to building this, I’d be happy to help (employer-permitting of course). Otherwise, if I find some time to builds stuff like this, I’ll try to get it released as open-source, to build upon.

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