Why I do not like Hugo

Not even a year ago, I decided to start using Hugo as the engine for this blog. This has mostly served me well, except for the fact that it relies on me having some kind of access to a console, a text editor, and my Bitbucket account, which made posting stuff while travelling a bit harder, so I opted instead for writing drafts, and then staggering their posts — which is why you now see that for the most part I post something once every three days, except for the free ideas.

Hugo was sold to me as a static generator for blogs, and indeed when I looked into it, that’s what it was clearly aiming on being. Sure the support for arbitrary taxonomies make it possible to use it in slightly different setups for a blog, but it was at that point seriously focusing on blog, and a few other similar site types. The integration with Disqus was pretty good from the start, as much as I’m not really happy about that choice, and the conversion proceeded mostly smoothly, although it took me weeks to make sure the articles were converted correctly, and even months in I dedicated a few nights a month just to go through the posts and make sure their formatting was right, or through the tags to collapse duplicates.

All in all, while imperfect, it was not as horrible as having to maintain my own Typo fork. Until last week.

I finally decided that maintaining a separate website for the projects is a bad idea. Not just for the style being out of sync between the two, but most importantly because I barely ever update that content, as most of my projects are dead or have their own website already (like Autotools Mythbuster) or they effectively are just using their GitHub repository as the main description, even though it pains me. So the best option I found is to just build the pages I care about into Hugo, particularly using a custom taxonomy for the projects, and be done with it. Except.

Except that to be able to do what I had in mind, I needed a feature that was committed after the version of Hugo I froze myself at, so I had to update. Updates with Typo were always extremely painful because of new dependencies, and new features, and changes to the database layout, and all those kind of problems. Certainly Hugo won’t have these problems! Except it decided not to be able to render the theme I was using, as one function got renamed from RSSlink to RSSLink.

That was an easy fix; a bit less easy at first was figuring out that someone decided that RSS feeds should include, unconditionally, the summary of the article, not the full text, because, and I quote: «This is a somewhat breaking change, but is what most people expect from their RSS feeds.»

I’m not sure what these “most people” are. And I’d say that if you want to change such as default, maybe you want it to be an option, but that does not seem to be Hugo’s style, as I’ll show later. But this is not why I’m angry. I’m angry because changing the RSS from full content to summary is a very clear change in impression.

An RSS feed that has full article content, is an RSS feed for a blog (or other site) that wants to be read. You can use this feed to syndicate on Planets (yes they still exist), read it on services like Feedly, or NewsBlur (no they did not all disappear with the death of Google Reader), and have it at hand on offline readers on your mobile devices, too.

RSS feeds that only carry summaries, are there to drive traffic to a site. And this is where the nasty smell around SEOs and similar titles come back in from below the door. I totally understand if one is trying to make a living off their website they want to be able to bring in traffic, which include ads views and the like. I have spoken about ads before, and though I recently removed it from the blog altogether for lack of any useful profit, I totally empathise with those who actually can make a profit and want people to see their ads.

But the fact that the tools decide to switch to this mode make me feel angry and sick, because they are no longer empowering people to make their view visible, they are empowering them to trick users into opening a website, to either get served ads, or (if they are geek enough to use Brave) give bitcoin to the author.

As it turns out, it’s not the only thing that happen to have changed with Hugo, and they all sound like someone decided to follow the path of WordPress, that went from a blogging engine to a total solution for managing websites — which is kind of what Typo did when becoming Publify. Except that instead of going to a general website solution, they decided to one-up all of them. From the same release notes of the version that changed the RSS feed defaults:

Hugo 0.20 introduces the powerful and long sought after feature Custom Output Formats; Hugo isn’t just that “static HTML with an added RSS feed” anymore. Say hello to calendars, e-book formats, Google AMP, and JSON search indexes, to name a few ( #2828 ).

Why would you want to build e-book formats and calendars with the same tool you used to build a blog with? Sure, if it actually was practical I could possibly make Autotools Mythbuster use this, but I somehow doubt it would have enough support for what I want to get out of the output, so I don’t even want to consider that for now. But all in all, it looks like widening a little too much the target field.

Anyway, I went and reverted the changes for my local build of Hugo. I ended up giving up on that by the way, and just applied a local template replacement instead, since that way I could also re-introduce another fix I needed for the RSS that was not merged upstream (the ability to put the taxonomy data into the feed, so you can use NewsBlur’s intelligence trainer to filter out some of my blog’s content). Of course maintaining a forked copy of the builtin template also means that it can break when I update if they decided that it should be FeedLink next time around.

Then I pushed the new version, including the updated donations page – which is not redirected from the old one yet, still working on that gone – and stopped looking too much onto it. I did this (purposefully) in the 3-days break between two posts, so that if something broke I would have time to fix it, but it looked everything was alright.

Until I noticed that I somehow flooded Planet Gentoo with a bunch of posts dating back up to 2006! And someone pinged me on Hangouts for the same reason. So I rolled back to the old version (that did not solve the flooding unfortunately), regenerated, and started digging what happened.

In the version of Hugo I used originally, the RSS feeds were fixed to 15 items. This is a perfectly reasonable debug for a blog, as I didn’t go anywhere near it even at at the time I was spending more time blogging than sleeping. But since Hugo is no longer targeting to be a blog engine, that’s not enough. “News” sites (and I use it in quote, because too many of those are actually either aggregators of other things, or just outright scammers, or fake news sites) would have many more than that per day, so 15 is clearly not a good option for them. So in Hugo 0.19 (the version before the one that changed to use summary), this change can be found:

Make RSS item limit configurable #3035

This is reasonable. The default is kept to 15, but now you can change it in the configuration file to whatever you want it to be, be it 20, 50, or 100.

What I did not notice at that point, was from the following version:

Raise the default rssLimit #3145

That sounds still good, no? It raises the limit. To what?

hugolib: Default rssLimit to unlimited

Of course this is perfectly fine for small websites that have a hundred or two pages. But this blog counts over 2400 articles, written over the span of 12 years (as I have recovered a number of blog posts from previous platforms, and I’m still always looking to see if I can find the backups with the posts of my 15 years old self). It ended up generating a 12MB RSS feed with every single page published up to them.

So what am I doing now? That, unfortunately, I’m not sure. This is the kind of bad upgrade path that frustrated the heck out of me with Typo. Unfortunately the only serious alternative I know to this is WordPress, and that still does not support Markdown unless you use a strange combinations of plugins and I don’t even want to get into that.

I am tempted to see what’s out there for Ruby-based blog engines, although at this point I’m ready to pay for a solution that works native on AWS EC2¹, to avoid having to manage it myself. I would like to be able to edit posts without requiring me a console and git client, and I would like to have an integrated view of the comments, instead of relying on Disqus², which at least a few people hate, and I don’t particularly enjoy.

For now, I guess I’ll have to be extra careful if I want to update Hugo. But at least I should be able to not break this again so easily as I’ll be checking the output before and after the change.

Update (2017-08-14): it looks like this blog post got picked up by Internet’s own peanut gallery that not only don’t seem to understand why I’m complaining here (how many SEOs there?), but also appear to have started suggesting with more or less care a number of other options. I say “more or less” because some are repeats or aimed at solving different problems than mine. There are a few interesting ones I may spend some time looking into, either this week or the next while on the road.

Since this post is over a month old by now, I have not been idle and started instead trying out WordPress, with not particularly stunning results either. I am though still leaning towards that option, because WordPress has the best upgrade guarantees (as long as you’re not using all kind of plugins) and it solves the reliance on Disqus by having proper commenting support.

¹ Update (2017-08-14) I mean running the stack, rather than pushing and storing to S3. If there’s a pre-canned EC2 instance I can install and run, that’ll be about enough for me.

² don’t even try suggesting isso. Maybe my comments are not big data, but at 2400+ blog posts, I don’t really want to have something single-threaded that access a SQLite file!

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