Why HTTPS anyway?

You probably noticed that in the past six months I had at least two bothersome incidents related to my use of HTTPS in the blog. An obvious question at this point would be why on earth would I care about making my blog (and my website) HTTPS only.

Well, first of all, the work I do for the blog usually matches fairly closely the work I do for xine’s Bugzilla so it’s not a real doubling of the effort, and actually allows me to test things out more safely than with some website that actually holds information that has some value. In the case of the Bugzilla, there are email addresses and password hashes (hopefully properly salted, I trust Bugzilla for that, although I would have preferred OAuth 2 to avoid storing those credentials), and possibly security bugs reported with exploit information that should not be sent out in the clear.

My blog has much less than that; the only user is me, and while I do want to keep my password private, there is nothing that stops me from using a self-signed certificate only for the admin interface. And indeed I had that setup for a long while. But then I got the proper certificate and made it optionally available on my blog. Unfortunately that made it terrible to deal with internal and external links to the blog, and the loading of resources; sure there were ways around it but it was still quite a pain.

The other reason for that is simply to cover for people who leave comments. Most people connecting through open networks, such as from Starbucks, will have their traffic easily sniffable as no WPA is in use (and I’ve actually seen “secure” networks using WEP, alas), and I could see how people preferred not posting their email in comments. And back last year I was pushing hard for Flattr (I don’t any more) and I was trying to remove reasons for not using your email when commenting, so HTTPS protection was an interesting point to make.

Nowadays I stopped pushing for Flattr, but I still include gravatar integration and I like having a way to contact the people who comment on my blog especially as they make points that I want to explore more properly, so I feel it’s in my duty to protect their comments as they flow by using HTTPS at the very least.

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