The boot process

One of the things that is obvious, between the mailing lists and the comments to my previous post is that there are quite different expectations of what the boot process involves — which is to be expected, since in Gentoo the boot process, like many other things, is totally customized on a per-user basis.

As Greg and William said before, the whole point of supporting (or not) a split /usr approach is not something that is tied that much to udev itself, but more a matter of what is involved in the boot process at all. Reimar pointed out that in the comments to the other post, and I guess that’s the one thing that right now we have to consider a bit more thoroughly. So let’s see if I can analyse it a bit more closely.

Let me put a foreword here. The one problem that is the biggest regarding udev and split /usr is that, while it’s still possible to select whether to search for rules in the rootfs or /usr, it didn’t, and maybe doesn’t, search both paths at the same time. That is probably the only thing that I count as a total non-sense, and it’s breaking for break sake. And it realistically is one of the things that made many Gentoo users upset with Lennart and Kay: the migration of rules is easy for binary distributions – you just rebuild all the packages installing in the old path – but it’s a pain in the neck for Gentoo users; and the cost of searching both paths is unlikely to be noticeable.

So what do we consider as part of the boot? Well, as I said in the other post, if you expect to be able to log in without /usr, you’re probably out of luck, if you use PAM — while the modules are still available on the rootfs, many of them require libraries in /usr — ConsoleKit, Kerberos, PKCS#11, … This is also one of the reasons why I’m skeptical about just teaching Portage to move dependencies to the rootfs: it’ll probably move a good deal of libraries to the rootfs, especially for a desktop, which will in turn make the “lightweight rootfs” option moot.

Another reason why I don’t think that the automatic move is going to solve the problem, is that while it’s possible to teach Portage to move the libraries, it’s impossible to teach it to move plugins, or the datafiles that those libraries use. More about that in the next paragraphs.

So let’s drop the login issue: we don’t expect to be able to log in the system without /usr so it’s not an option. The next thing that is going to be a problem is coldplugging (I’ll consider hotplugging during boot as hotplugging but it might actually be more complex). The idea of coldplugging is that you want to start a given piece of software if, at boot, you find a given device connected. As an example you might want to start pcscd if a smartcard reader (be it a CCID one or another driver) is found, or ekeyd if an EntropyKey is connected, without the user having added them to the runlevels manually.

What’s the problem with this then? Well, the coldplugged services might require /usr for both the service and the libraries, which means you can’t run them without /usr — the udev-postmount service was, if I recall correctly, created just to deal with that, with udev actually keeping a score of which rules failed to execute, and re-executing them after /usr was mounted, but it relied on udev’s own handling of re-execution of rules, which I forgot if it still exists or not. If not, then that’s a big deal, but not something I want to care about to be honest. An easy way out of this is to say that coldplugging is not supported if your coldplugged services are needing /usr and you have it split, but it’s still quite hacky.

This blog post was supposed to be a bit longer, and provide among other things a visual representation of the boot-time service dependencies. It turns out now that I left it open for a whole week without being able to complete it as I intended. In particular, the graphical representation is messy because there are so many involved services, that on my laptop it’s seriously unreadable. I’ve been using the representation as a debug method to improve on my service files though, and I’ll write about that. It’s going to enter OpenRC’s git soon.

This said, this “half” post is good enough to read as it is. I’ll write more about it later on.

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