Random Gentoo fixes

In the past week or so, I’ve been working in parallel on two Gentoo-related project; one is that I wrote about, for which I need to bypass NATs and allow external IPv6 access while the other will probably be more known in the next few days, when I deploy in Gentoo the code I’m developing.

Both works are something I’m paying to do, even though for the former I’m paid not nearly enough I should, and interestingly, both seem to require me to make some seemingly random, but to my aim quite important changes to Gentoo. Since they are unlikely to show up on anybody’s radar as they are, but some might be of interest to other people doing similar things, I thought I could give you a couple of heads’ up on these:

On a different note, I switched my router from using pdnsd to unbound; while documentation leaves a lot to be desired, unbound seems to perform much better, and also does work with both IPv4 and IPv6 socket listening, which doesn’t seem to be the case at all for pdnsd. I also taken down some notes about using the bind ddns protocol since the documentation “robbat2’:http://robbat2.livejournal.com/ pointed me at is probably out of date now.

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