Looking for an Android app to manage routine checklists

I’m currently reading a book on diabetes, mostly because last year I had a bad situation with my blood sugar and this year I wanted to make sure nothing like that happens again. Winter and spring went okay, so I’m going to look at what happens this summer, as that’s always been the critical time for me. To do so, I started actually reading a book on the topic (on the Reader, obviously), partly as inspiration, partly to make sure that the indications I have gotten up to now are correct.

This all in all reminded me of something I knew already: that to actually be able to keep the blood sugar under check, I have to keep exercising. I have the Wii Fit for that (and thanks to Pavel I also have the Plus software), and I try my best to always make time for it, but indeed I have been finding excuses not to do it definitely too many times for that to be considered a proper routine. So I’m now trying to find a way to force myself keeping a decent routine.

Now I know, forcing your own body to a routine it’s not ready for is a bad idea, so I’m not trying to get myself some strict times for doing stuff. I tried that before and the result has been simply bad. But at least having an idea of what I have to do during the course of a single day and make sure I do all the points in there is something that I have to learn, especially if I intend to flee away from where I stand today.

I tried before using Remember The Milk for this stuff, but it really doesn’t work well for routines, because the way it handles repeating tasks (if you don’t complete one, it’s set as “overdue”, and when you complete it , it creates the next one right away), and because it does not support sequences, or dependencies between tasks (I cannot take my fasting blood sugar if I’ve not woken up, and I cannot have breakfast until I’ve taken my level). So I’m now looking for something new altogether. I don’t need something with a web service, with synchronisation or anything, although of course if these are available I’m not going to get angry. But it has to have a few features at least…

Now, if you know already an application with these specifics, or something very near (better if it’s Free Software in that case), I’d like to know that… if not, but you’re good enough with Android to develop one, and then release it as Free Software, I might at least partly-fund it. I don’t have the time to develop anything like this right now and I might not even have it anytime soon, thus why I’m fine with both paying (little) for a proprietary application already present, or funding (more) the development of a Free application to do this.

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