Cleaning up after yourself

I have noted in my post about debug information that in feng I’m using a debug codepath to help me reduce false positives in valgrind. When I wrote that I looked up an older post, that promised to explain but never explained. An year afterwards, I guess it’s time for me to explain, and later possibly document this on the lscube documentation that I’ve been trying to maintain to document the whole architecture.

The problem: valgrind is an important piece of equipment in the toolbox of a software developer; but as any other tool, it’s also a tool; in the sense that it’ll blindly report the facts, without caring about the intentions the person writing the code had at the time. Forgetting this leads to situation like Debian SA 1571 (the OpenSSL debacle), where an “unitialised value” warning was intended like the wrong thing, where it was actually pretty much intended. At any rate, the problem here is slightly different of course.

One of the most important reasons to be using valgrind is to find memory leak: memory areas that are allocated but never freed properly. This kind of errors can make software either unreliable or unusable in production, thus testing for memory leak for most seasoned developers is among the primary concerns. Unfortunately, as I said, valgrind doesn’t understand the intentions of the developers, and in this context, it cannot discern between memory that leaks (or rather, that is “still reachable” when the program terminates) and memory that is being used until the program stops. Indeed, since the kernel will free all the memory allocated to the process when it ends, it’s a common doing to simply leave it to the kernel to deallocate those structures that are important until the end of the program, such as configuration structures.

But the problem with leaving these structures around is that you either have to ignore the “still reachable” values (which might actually show some real leaks), or you receive a number of false positive introduced by this practice. To remove the false positive, is not too uncommon to free the remaining memory areas before exiting, something like this:

extern myconf *conf;

int main() {
  conf = loadmyconf();

The problem with having code written this way is that even just the calls to free up the resources will cause some overhead, and especially for small fire-and-forget programs, those simple calls can become a nuisance. Depending on the kind of data structures to free, they can actually take quite a bit of time to orderly unwind it. A common alternative solution is to guard the resource-free calls with a debug conditional, of the kind I have written in the other post. Such a solution usually ends up being #ifndef NDEBUG, so that the same macro can get rid of the assertions and the resource-free calls.

This works out quite decently when you have a simple, top-down straight software, but it doesn’t work so well when you have a complex (or chaotic as you prefer) architecture like feng does. In feng, we have a number of structures that are only used by a range of functions, which are themselves constrained within a translation unit. They are, naturally, variables that you’d consider static to the unit (or even static to the function, from time to time, but that’s just a matter of visibility to the compiler, function or unit static does not change a thing). Unfortunately, to make them static to the unit you need an externally-visible function to properly free them up. While that is not excessively bad, it’s still going to require quite a bit of work to jump between the units, just to get some cleaner debug information.

My solution in feng is something I find much cleaner, even though I know some people might well disagree with me. To perform the orderly cleanup of the remaining data structures, rather than having uninit or finalize functions called at the end of main() (which will then require me to properly handle errors in sub-procedures so that they would end up calling the finalisation from main()!), I rely on the presence of the destructor attribute in the compiler. Actually, I check if the compiler supports this not-too-uncommon feature with autoconf, and if it does, and the user required a debug build, I enable the “cleanup destructors”.

Cleanup destructors are simple unit-static functions that are declared with the destructor attribute; the compiler will set them up to be called as part of the _fini code, when the process is cleared up, and that includes both orderly return from main() and exit() or abort(), which is just what I was looking for. Since the function is already within the translation unit, the variables don’t even need to be exported (and that helps the compiler, especially for the case when they are only used within a single function, or at least I sure hope so).

In one case the #ifdef conditional actually switches a variable from being stack-based to be static on the unit (which changes quite a bit the final source code of the project), since the reference to the head of the array for the listening socket is only needed when iterating through them to set them up, or when freeing them; if we don’t free them (non-debug build) we don’t even need to save it.

Anyway, where is the code? Here it is:

dnl for


           # define CLEANUP_DESTRUCTOR __attribute__((__destructor__))

(the CC_ATTRIBUTE_DESTRUCTOR macro is part of my personal series of additional macros to check compiler features, including attributes and flags).

And one example of code:

static void CLEANUP_DESTRUCTOR accesslog_uninit()
    size_t i;

    if ( feng_srv.config_storage )
        for(i = 0; i < feng_srv.config_context->used; i++)
            if ( !feng_srv.config_storage[i].access_log_syslog &&
                 feng_srv.config_storage[i].access_log_fp != NULL )

You can find the rest of the code over to the LScube GitHub repository — have fun!

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