Mistakes to make your Gem a PITN

Because of course we all have pains in the neck and nowhere else. And let me warn you: the timeframe in this post is messed up because I wrote it in the past week or so trying to avoid ranting every day; so when I say “today” or “yesterday”, it’s quite relative

So I’m still going on with the ports to ruby-ng of the dev-ruby ebuilds; I gave priority to the packages that are needed for Typo (which is the software I use for this blog) so I could also test them properly first hand. The results aren’t excessively bad I’d say, actually the space wasted on my server was reduced; I had to make a fix to my remove-3rdparty Typo branch to be able to use the new will_paginate gem (since the new version in gemcutter does not have the mislav- prefix like the one from github had), but the result is, after all, not bad at all.

As I said before there are quite a few common problems with gems that I’d like to point out, so that future Ruby Gem developers will try to avoid repeating such mistakes:

There are probably more common mistakes that you have to look forward for in the future, but this at least is the first list, although it’s probably rehashing most of the stuff I have ranted about in the past.

And one important announcement here: if you care about Ruby 1.9, you should know that we’re currently in a huge mess: a lot of code fails tests with Ruby 1.9 so I’ve been dropping support for it everywhere it cannot be tested. Similarly it happens for JRuby, even though for different reasons often. And to test all the packages to re-add Ruby 1.9 when needed is going to take quite a bit of time. For this reason, you really should either try to help out by testing it yourself, or find a way to support us through the job (I can be hired for the task).

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