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After some time with Snow Leopard

You probably know that, as much as I am a Linux user, I’m an OS X user as well. I don’t usually develop for OS X, but I do use it quite a bit, even though my laptop broke last March, I bought an iMac to replace it (and now I also have my MacBook Pro back, although with the optical unit not working still; I’m now tempted to get a second harddrive instead of an optical unit, I can use the iMac’s DVD sharing for that instead).

And since I’m both a developer and an user, when the new release of OS X, Snow Leopard, was finally published, I ordered it right away. Two weeks into using the new version of OS X, I have some comments to say. And I’m going to say them here because this is something that various Free Software projects should probably learn from too.

The first point is nothing new, Apple already said that Snow Leopard is nothing totally new, but it’s rather a polished version of Leopard… with 64-bit under the hood. The 64-bit idea is not new to Linux and a lot of distributions already support it, and when it’s available, almost all system software uses it; there are still a few proprietary pieces that are not ported to 64-bit, especially for what concern games, and software like Skype, but most of the stuff is good for us so we really have nothing new to learn from OS X in that field.

I was expecting the Grand Central Dispatch thing to be a rebranded OpenMP sincerely (by the way, thanks to whoever sent me the book, it hasn’t arrived yet but I’ll make sure to put it to good use in Free Software once I have it!), instead it seems to be a totally different implementation, which Apple partly made available as open source free software (see this LWN article ); I’m not sure if I’m happy about it or not, given it’s already another implementation of an already-present idea. On the other hand, it’s certainly an area were Free Software could really learn; I don’t think OpenMP is that much used outside of CPU-intensive tasks, but as the Apple guys shown in their WWDC presentation, it’s something that even something like a mail client could make good use of.

I still have no idea what technique QuickTime X is using for the HTTP-based streaming, I’ll find out one day though, for now I’m still working on the new implementation of the lscube RTSP parser that should also support the already-present HTTP proxy passthrough; if it uses the same technique, that’s even better!

In the list of less-advertised changes, there are also things like better Google support in the iCal and Address Book: now for instance you can edit the Google calendars from inside the iCal application, which is kinda cool (all the changes are automatically available both locally and on Google Calendar itself), and you can sync your Address Book with Google Contacts. The former is something that supposedly should work with Evolution as well, although I think they really really have a long way to go before it works as well, and that’s not to say that iCal integration works perfectly… at all!

The latter instead is a bit strange, I already had the impression that Google Contacts is some very bad shit (it doesn’t store all information, the web interface is nearly unusable, and so on), but when I decided to enable the “Sync with Google” option in Address Book I probably made a big mistake: first the thing created lots of duplicates in my book, since I uploaded a copy of all them with the cellphone some time ago, and some entries were seen as duplicated rather than being the same thing (mostly for people with an associated honorific like “Dott.” for my doctors).; this is quite strange because the vCard files should have an Unique ID just for that reason, to make sure that they are not duplicated if moved between different services. In addition, the phone numbers went messed up since they added up (in Apple’s Address Book I keep them well edited – +39 041 09 80 841 – the Nokia removes the spaces, and it seems like Google Contacts sometimes drops the country code for no good reason at all).

Interestingly enough, though, while Leopard was known for the Mobile Me support, Snow Leopard adds quite a few more options for syncing data, probably because Mobile Me itself wasn’t really that much of a good deal for most people; it still didn’t support my Nokia E75 natively (but “my” plugin worked — a copy of the E71 plugin by Nokia with the phone name edited), and it doesn’t seem to support a generic SyncML provider (like Nokia’s Ovi service), but there is for instance a new “CardDAV” entry in the Address Book for instance; I wonder if it’s compatible with Evolution’s CalDAV-based address book), if so I might want to use that, I guess.

While the Apple showcase of Snow Leopard was aimed at criticising Microsoft’s release of Windows Vista with all the related changes in the interface, I wouldn’t be surprised if, when deciding how to proceed with the new version, they also counted in the critiques against KDE 4’s release. I hope that Gnome 3 won’t be anything like that, and would rather follow Apple’s approach of subtle, gentle changes, although I won’t count on it.

At any rate, the experience up to now was quite nice, nothing broke heavily, even Parallels Desktop worked fine after the update, which was actually surprising to me since I expected the kernel-level stuff to break a part with the update. I wish Linux would be as stable sometimes. But bottom-line, although with a few problems I still love Free Software better.

Comments 3
  1. Hey Diego… I don’t think the Contacts section of GMail / Google is -that- bad, yes it’s basic and rudimentary but I think it does the job well. I have a T-Mobile G1 (Android, as you probably know) and that works really, really well with Google’s cloud. Now, when KMail can sync with Google contacts, then I’ll be happy 🙂

  2. I don’t know about “Grand Central Dispatch”, but OpenMP is so rarely used because for what I can tell it just is not really useful for any non-trivial parallelization task.MPI despite being intended more for distributed systems seems better for that, but it is still inconvenient and often (i.e. unless it’s some numerical mathematics stuff) your are not far worse off by just using e.g. pthreads directly.

  3. To be honest, Yahoo’s address book web interface is much nicer; I guess the problem is going to be * does the sync with Apple’s Address Book work fine? (seems like it loads more details than it does on Google Contacts; not sure on whether they are _full_ details, depends on the storage in Yahoo’s side) * is Evolution ever going to get Yahoo contact sync as well?I’m a bit more positive about Yahoo’s because it didn’t mess up my OSX Address Book just yet (Google did!) and it didn’t decide that _all the contacts with a Company field set are companies_ (Google, again, did!). On the other hand it didn’t understand that the contacts with company and no name are companies.Reiman, I don’t think OpenMP is excessively magical, but for what I’ve seen it could be quite useful; on the other hand, I’ll wait till I can read more to find out. What I think it has, that MPI lacks is user-simplicity. MPI seems to be quite complex to set up (multiple implementations, wrappers, stuff), while OpenMP is already in most compilers, for Unix at least, that I can see.

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