How _not_ to fix GCC 4.4 bugs

So with GCC 4.4 and glibc 2.10, C++ support went, once again, stricter. Now, leaving aside all my possible comments on a language for which there is still an absolute vacuum of actual implementations years after publishing, let just look at what the problem is this time around.

The main issue, in which glibc 2.10 is also related, is that the C-style string functions now return pointers with the same constant modifier as they are given; so if you look for a characters in a constant string, it’ll return a constant string pointer, and vice-versa if you give it a variable string, it’ll return you a variable string pointer (more here if you’re bored).

This means that the following code will build fine with either GCC 4.3 or glibc 2.10 but will fail when both of those (or more recent) versions are used:

#include <cstring>

int main() {
  char *foo = strchr("ciao", 'a');
% g++-4.3.3 -o test-const    
% g++-4.4.0 -o test-const In function ‘int main()': error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*' to ‘char*'

The error from the compiler is quite real: you’re mixing up different type of variables, although in this particular instance you’re not doing anything wrong with it, but for instance take the following code rather than the one shown earlier:

#include <cstring>

int main() {
  char *foo = strchr("ciao", 'a');
  *foo = 'e';

This code is trying to change something that it shouldn’t; in particular, given the pointer is now pointing inside a literal, which is then inside the .rodata section of the ELF and in a shared, non-writeable area of memory, when executed this will cause a segmentation fault (a crash, for those not used to this terminology). But it can get less obvious and more sneaky, since instead of a literal, you could have a parameter, declared constant.

Of course, whenever you have a variable or a parameter that is declared constant, but is not actually residing in read-only memory areas (like .rodata), you’re just a cast away from having it non-constant. But then you’d be seeing the cast, and that would be like a yellow light sign. On the other hand, with the old method of just having the function cast away the constant modifier, it was less obvious at first sight.

Okay so we know what the problem is, why the error was introduced, let’s go down to business with what the problem is. I have seen more than a few patches out there that, to make software build on GCC 4.4/glibc 2.10 simply cast away the constant modifier, C-style:

#include <cstring>

int main() {
  char *foo = (char*)strchr("ciao", 'a');

This is wrong. You should not do that. Why? Because you’re hiding a problem; in more than half the cases, the solution is simply to change the declaration of the variable:

#include <cstring>

int main() {
  const char *foo = strchr("ciao", 'a');

Of course, this does not cover all the cases; there are a few when the pointer is actually used to change memory areas. In those cases, since fixing the issue might be overkill, I’d highly suggest a different syntax:

#include <cstring>

int main() {
  char *foo = const_cast(strchr("ciao", 'a'));
  *foo = 'e';

This uses the explicit const_cast keyword from C++, and the very fact that it’s an eyesore in the code should be enough to scream “Workaround!”, which is what it is in truth.

So please, don’t just cast it away C-style, give it a bit more thoughts, please!

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