Virtualisation woes, again

I know this starts to get old, with my ranting about virtualisation software, but since I’m trying my best to optimise the power of Yamato to software testing, I’m still working on getting virtualised systems to properly work for me.

In a long series of blog posts ranting about VirtualBox, QEmu, KVM and so on, there was exactly one system that worked quite fine up to now: Windows XP (SP3) under VirtualBox. With the latest release, though, this was broken too: network started up then came crashing down, with a striking resemblance to an old Solaris problem .

Since I was in need to have my Windows XP virtual machine working for a job, I tried porting it to Parallels on my iMac, with the Parallels demo (since my license was only valid for 3.x series). After waiting for the 64GB image file to convert, it turns out that there is no hope in getting it to start: the VirtualBox additions drivers crash with a blue screen of death at boot when they are executed outside of a VirtualBox instance; the Windows Recovery console does not allow to remove the drivers from loading, and trying to delete the drivers to avoid them from loading was not an option, since they get installed in the program files directory (that the recovery console cannot access).

At the end, given the absolute unreliability of VirtualBox on every operating system at this point, I simply gave up and paid for the upgrade of my license to Parallels 4, which is now providing as my only Windows XP instance (which I’m still unfortunately tied to for work), and deleted VirtualBox from my system. Why, you’d ask, since networking not working is far from the biggest problem out there? Well the biggest problem, and the final straw that broke the camel’s back, was that while trying to figure out why Samba was not working, VirtualBox’s network filter module crashed the kernel. So what? Well, VirtualBox decided that rather than using the quite well-tested mixed kernel/userland TUN/TAP networking system, or the userland virtual network (with tap to interfacing it with the rest) provided by VDE, they had to provide a kernel module instead. For performance reasons, or, quite most likely, so that they can have the same interface to the network internals between different operating systems. Do I have to make it explicit how this is a problem?

Interestingly, while writing this I noticed that there are problems downloading VirtualBox and the thing also reminded me of how many time they messed up the ebuilds by changing the tarballs…

But it doesn’t stop here. Remember the NetBSD trouble with the networking I reported about one month ago? Well, I wanted to see if something changed with the new NetBSD 5.0 release (I actually wanted to make sure that feng detected the newly-added POSIX Message Queue support properly), but still no luck, I don’t see any network card with whatever model I provide to KVM, included the e1000 that I’d expect NetBSD to support at least.

On the other hand I was at least able to get Ubuntu (9.04) working on KVM, next step is Fedora 11, so I can actually test feng on other distributions as well as Gentoo.

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