Warnings, to keep from doing the wrong thing

In the IT world we’re obviously full of practises that, albeit working, are very much hinted against because risky, broken on different setups or just stupid. Many of these practises are usually frequent enough either because they can be easy to apply without knowing, or because they were documented somewhere and people read and spread it.

These practices, in most compiled programming languages, when using optimising compilers, are guarded by warnings, almost-errors that are printed on the error stream of the compiler itself when it identifies a suspect construct. If you use Gentoo, you know them very well as you certainly see lots of them (unless you have -w in your CFLAGS).

Lots of people ignore warnings, because either fixing them is too much work as it would require changing a huge part of the code, or because they are not stopping them from compiling. Much more rarely it happens that the code actually works fine and the warning is bogus; it’s not unheard of though. Also the more advanced the warning, the more probabilities it might be implemented wrong.

On the other hand, the vast majority of warnings are put there for a good reason, and should actually be properly taken care of. These warnings could have been used to make a program 64-bit safe years before 64-bit systems started to be widespread, or might have made sure the code for a project written years before GCC 4.3 were to build correctly with the latest version of the compiler. Of course they are not the one and absolute solution, as many changes might not have had warnings before (like the std:: namespace change), but it could have helped.

But I don’t want to talk about compiler warnings today, but rather about Portage warnings. Since a few versions, thanks also to the availability of Zack and Marius, Portage started throwing warnings after a successful merge, giving you insight with possible problems with an ebuild or with the software the ebuild uses. These are pretty useful as they can catch for you if a ./configure switch was renamed, or removed, after a version bump; and they might tell you if the software is doing something risky and you should warn upstream about that. (Why should you warn upstream? Well, packagers often see lots more code than the daily programmer it’s not uncommon that a programmer might not know about an issue that a packager might know (because of the distribution policy about the problem).

In addition to these that might be setup-dependent, repoman also started warning about suspect (R)DEPEND and other issues with the ebuilds. Hopefully, even if repoman will probably become slower by piling up checks in it, it will be nice to make sure developers know what they are committing in.

This is particularly important because there are quite a few sub-optimal ebuilds in the tree already, and while it’s difficult to find and fix all of them, it’d be quite nice if we could avoid introducing new ones.

Unfortunately, I start to worry that it might not be as feasible as I hoped, because there is a huge fault in my idea that adding warning will keep people away from the mistakes: there is lack of documentation on these problems. As much as I wish I could count my blog as a source of documentation I know this is far from the truth, but I haven’t been able to start writing docs again yet because I was following this world rebuild closely, at least to understand how to follow my priorities. I know I’ll be working on quite a few things in the future, especially once the hospital is just a memory, and hopefully I’ll be able to write enough doc so that the warnings become clear enough that the whole tree will be safe for everybody to use under whichever circumstances.

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