Gaming can be seriously cool

Sometimes I wonder how did I spend my childhood considering I was never much of a gamer. While my classmates spent most of their days playing Baldur’s Gate, Quake 3 or GTA, I’ve spent time playing only RTS (and not so many), and Ultima OnLine (if you were an Italian player and you played on Dragons’ Land or Heaven, you might know me as GM Eorl or GM Unicorn). I’ve re-discovered playing basically just last year when I bought the Nintendo DS, as a stress relieve…

I have to say, I start to think that if I did try to play more in the past years, I might have spared myself the stress-caused pancreatitis. But you can’t change the past, I can only try not to fall into that again.

Anyway, tonight I finally tried Devil May Cry 4, and I have to say Mark was right: it’s cool. Nothing less than I expected from CAPCOM actually. One of the few games I can say marked my teens is absolutely Street Fighter Alpha 3 (I was unbeatable with Chun-Li), and through emulation I did love a lot of classic CAPCOM games. One thing they share, they have splendid character designs, and they tend to make combat like a dance. DMC4 brings this to an epic point.

I’ve tried just the first three missions, but the gameplay makes it very clear that I’ll have a lot of hours of fun in the near future 😉

And this makes it difficult for me to choose what to play between that and Genji, which I paid very little for the quality of the game I’ve seen up to now. If you’re a fantasy anime fan, you should really try it out. I think the last game which got me so much immersed was Throne of Darkness.

It’s relaxing me quite a bit sincerely, although now I think I’ll go back to watching The Weakest Link on BBC Prime before sleeping, tomorrow is a new long day, as I’ll be going to look for a (quite expensive I’m afraid) pair of bifocals. I read way too much during the day and I can’t really keep switching glasses all day long. By this pace I’ll have quite a few pair of glasses: one big pair with Transition lenses for going around (and for driving when I’ll get my license), one small pair, also with Transition lenses, so I can look cool when I’m around ;), a not-so-big pair with medium distance lenses for working at my workstation(s), a light pair for when I watch TV, the bifocals for when I’m going around the house, … how annoying!

To the rest of Gentoo developers with a PlayStation3… we should get together and find a game we can get a tournament running!

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