New year’s resolutions

So the new year is near, and this time I want to make some resolutions I’ll try to live up to.

The first is to start detaching from things, from objects. I have one big problem, I have difficulty detaching from objects because they remind me of something, even when the things are completely useless and just take up my space (and I don’t have much space). I attach myself too much even to shipment cardboard boxes for stuff I received or bought, and this becomes a problem on the long run. I also have to keep most boxes of the stuff I buy because of the warranty requiring me to keep the original boxes for at least two years (more if the warranty is extended).

I already tried putting an old soundcard on eBay, but the result was unsuccessful (not even a single offer), now I tried an old motherboard, who knows, maybe I can get rid of some stuff, and “stash away” some money. Unfortunately most of what I have here is probably crap for the average ebay user, so I doubt it would end up sold… I have a few old keyboards, some old video cards, and stuff like that. I’ll try to see if I can make something out of them, otherwise will probably either throw them away or put them up available for free for anybody (beside shipping costs).

The second resolution is the most important one, this year I have to take my driving license, and a car. I can’t be stuck in the nothingness where I live forever, I need a car, and I need to get a daily job, at least temporarily, to pay the car. I’m lucky with this, I have an electronic shop at ten minutes from my house (by car) and I know they change personell quite often, with some luck I should be able to push myself to do six months were just to pay for the car.

I’m finishing what I had left floating around me in Gentoo in the next few days so I can spend more time on working during the new year, as I really need to get some money saved, even if after my hospitalisation that is difficult. Trying to get away from 2007, I also spent basically all the money I have, buying stuff for me and gifts for my friends, this way I can start anew with the new year.

On a Gentooish note, today I created three new packages, one in the main tree and two in my overlay. The first is libasyncns by Lennart, I always put it back into my TODO list to add one day as it’s an optional dependency for PulseAudio; the arch teams now hate me because I’m asking them to re-keyword PulseAudio once again… Lennart you always use bleeding edge stuff, don’t you? 🙂 First it was libatomic_ops (which I had to add to portage), then PolicyKit (which luckily enough steev added to portage about at the same time as I needed it), and now asyncns, which was there from the start, but I skipped up to now 😛

The other two packages are Emacs modes; I updated nxhtml-mode (this time a different Lennart 😉 ), now it actually works fine for me even on Gentoo, with indentation not throwing up annoying messages to me anymore. But it has a new dependency, app-emacs/cgi+ (new package), which in turn depends on app-emacs/cgi (also new) and app-emacs/httpd. Certainly nxhtml-mode is not one of the most self-contained packages in Gentoo (actually it’s completely self-contained if you download and install it manually, but as usual in Gentoo we prefer using separate packages if they are available).

And nxhtml-mode actually spawned its share of new packages as dependencies, which is not entirely bad as it allows Gentoo’s Emacs support to improve 😀

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