The bad side of holiday season

I’m not sure if it’s just me, or if it’s just the time of the year and all the “Holiday spirit” poured on me through various medias (and I’m not talking of Hard Disks, USB sticks and CD-Roms), but I think that most of my Holiday time was, in the last few years, always tainted by some sentimental black hole.

Even this year, I feel sad, without a particular reason to. It has been, for sure, a Christmas different from the past few years, thanks to the birth of my nephew (Morgan) who’s now 1 and a half month old, that changed a bit the dynamics of our family Christmas (for instance, there was no Christmas-day dinner this time, just Christmas Eve, although this was due also to the concurrent change in the dynamics of my other sister’s Christmas, with her mother-in-law family). But even with all these differences, I got “time” to think about the past and then sadden myself, as usual.

I suppose I can’t do anything about this, I simply end up thinking of the person that filled my mind till a few months back when I decided to get rid of the thoughts at a single time, as only bad things would be produced by continuing thinking of her (especially because it was also the only way I found to avoid thinking of an “ex-friend” of mine, too), and that is enough to depress me a bit.

Oh well, I suppose this is only physiological, and I should just stop worrying myself, but with the birth of my nephew, seems like a clock started ticking in me, remembering me I’m not everlasting and I should get a life someday soon. I’m not sure if I’ll have the courage to actually follow the warning of that clock.

Anyway, enough of this depressing outfit, I just had to write something about it or I would end up crazy (you know, when your mind start continuing repeating the same lines over and over trying to convince yourself everything is alright and you just need to relax and so on), on the other monitor I’m working on xine’s WavPack support 🙂

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