My own status update

So here I am writing a new blog, I’ve lost a bit of faith in what I’m doing myself lately, but this is probably just due to some kind of depression I have because of my personal life issues. It will come to an end, I hope, and then I’ll be back as the all-day-writing Flameeyes you knew.

The emerge -e world I was running has now died as the order of merge wasn’t exactly perfect and I ended up rebuilding KDE applications before kdelibs, and kdelibs before arts, and arts before glib … which meant a very bad situation.

My try to get gstripe (GEOM stripe support) on whole disk setup for Prakesh (the new box I was given to resume my work on Gentoo/FreeBSD, a Duron 1300 with about 700 MB of RAM, and two hard drives of 20GB each) failed. I’ve built the whole system, but then fdisk refused to install the bootloader, so I’m now re-building it from scratch, with a different setup (thanks to Javier who helped me preparing it).

The good news is that the stage3 generated with Catalyst worked fine to build the system.

Now I’m going to work on having a new version of kdelibs that will enable mitshm and sendfile, as requested by an user on bugzilla, but I don’t guarantee it will work the first time straight.

And just while I was writing this, pfeiffer committed the change to kdelibs that allows to still have notification with arts disabled in kdelibs. Which means that it will finally be merged soon in Gentoo too.

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