A few more updates

So that you can be kept updated. First of all, the alsa-driver version of the ALSA modules don’t work with 2.6.19-rc1. This means that you either have to use internal modules (and then pthreak will take care of you when you report bugs 😉 ) or you need the HG/Mercurial version. I’m going to work on masked 9999 versions for -driver and -headers building out of the Mercurial repository, but it might take some time because I’m not yet sure if it’s worth the hassle, and I have to write them down myself. It might also come to be more troublesome and lead to even more silly bugs, so I have to think about this.

Regard another package, mt-daapd, as the author is moving out of mt-daapd.org and instead moved to Firefly, I’m not sure if the package will remain as media-sound/mt-daapd or not. I haven’t added latest nightlie because the author says it’s not working, so I’ll wait for a newer version, although I have to say I was expecting a new release sooner, and possibly my patches merged, or Avahi support added. I have to say that I expected better from MT-Daapd.

I’ll try to spend some more time on xine later on today, so that at least I can try to complete one of the many things I’ve started for it, even if the council thing denying the need to switch SCM pisses me off.

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