Finally the stage has built.

So tonight while I was sleeping catalyst was able to complete the stage3 (first one of the two runs, as the first install DEPENDs and the second uses binpkg to avoid that), which means that I actually have a starting point to get the new stages working for Gentoo/FreeBSD 6.2

I’ve also committed the fixes that were needed for Catalyst to play fine with sys-freebsd ebuilds, mostly adding a few build useflags and a single bootstrap useflag for freebsd-lib, and a fix for libperl and perl that needed freebsd-mk-defs during build phase on FreeBSD (that made them be built in the wrong order during stage3 building), while for the stuff I don’t maintain myself (and that needs peer review), I’ve submitted bugs: #150257 for gcc-config to move correctly, #150351 for Catalyst itself, #150353 for script.

The interesting thing about the last one, is that the script needed really minimal changes to work on FreeBSD, so I didn’t actually write a like I was suggested to need, this shows that one of my objectives is reached: Gentoo/FreeBSD does not differ from Gentoo Linux in respect to system building 🙂

So I want to thank Chris (wolf31o2), together with the whole Release Engineering project, a huge lot for the fantastic work they did with Catalyst and for the time they spend on preparing Gentoo releases.. just trying to get a simple stage1 for Gentoo/FreeBSD shown me how much time and effort they have to spend for this.

Of course the stages I got now are not going to work out of the box. For once, I’m sure there are still files missing in /etc after the freebsd-baselayout -> baselayout move, but at least now I can easily identify them and see where to put them (if in freebsd-* ebuilds or in sys-apps/baselayout for next release). Then there is the problem of deciding where to run pwd_mkdb and cap_mkdb that we used to run in freebsd-baselayout to get a working stage.. as they should executed when the relative configuration files are changed, I was thinking of moving them inside env-update… the alternative is to run them from catalyst on a FreeBSD specific note, that wouldn’t be that bad anyway. I’m still unsure about this so I’ll see it later with Timothy and Javier to a minimum.

Also on the line of thanking, another Chris (the one painted White this time) has updated the Gentoo/FreeBSD Guide that now also explains how to install GRUB to boot Gentoo/FreeBSD.

And with Roy, sparc-fbsd seems to continue steady 😛 There was a little problem with readline, unfixed on FreeBSD ports too, but that is fixed now (long life to zsh, in whose archives I found a similar problem with the solution… -fpic used instead of -fPIC).

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