The long expected books post

After more than a month after I originally announced it, I’m actually writing the books post 🙂
For readers’ convenience, I’m linking the names of the books with Amazon, at least you can get some decent description, as mine are unlikely to be comprehensive.

While I was away during August, I spent most of the days reading, as that’s one of my favourite hobbies.. I can be definitely be defined a bookworm 🙂

Although one of my favourite is a classic like Lord of the Rings (that I read seven times, in Italian), and I love all of Tolkien’s work (I’ve read most of it, but a couple of books I bought but haven’t got time to read yet), I also enjoy other authors’ works, like Weis’s and Hickman’s Dragonlance Series (starting from Dragons of Autumn Twilight ), that I’ve read a couple of years ago on suggestion of friends, and others genres, like Herbert’s Dune and Gibson’s Idoru (that in Italian was strangely transliterated correctly to Aidoru).

But when I started reading on a standard basis, it was with crime fiction, like Agatha Christie and Chesterton (with an Italian translation of the complete series of Father Brown novels), and then with Lillian Jackson Braun The Cat Who… series.

This summer, I decided for a return to origin, and instead of passing it reading fantasy, after The Dark Tower , I’ve switched to Patricia Cornwell’s Hornet’s nest … I loved it; I did already read the other two parts of the Andy Brazil series, and I like her style.

I also read another couple of The Cat Who… books, in particular The Cat Who Went Up the Creek and The Cat Who Lived High , and I have to say that I love the easygoing way Lillian Jackson Braun can picture mischiefs and daily life without breaking them up… her characters look and act like real people.

At the moment, I’m reading, from time to time, as I’ve rarely had enough time lately to spend on reading, The eye of the world , that seems pretty good by its own, albeit quite heavy for a daily reading. I’m looking forward to finish it, and to buy the second book, but I’m most likely not going to do so too soon (sorry for the alliterations).

As I’ve also already written in my last Italian entry, I also enjoyed reading Italian books from Luca Goldoni, who with his sarcastic tone depicted a 70s Italy who hasn’t changed for the most part. Sure, politicians were “updated” (with still old copies), but the results are just the same anyway.

On a different note, but still related, I wish to thank the anonymous (as far as I can see) who bought a few items from my wishlist too 🙂
Thanks to everybody who ever donated something to me, thanks to you my work on Gentoo is not just enjoyable, but also a way to enjoy the time off 🙂

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