Moving Gentoo/Alt on Overlays

Finally today, after a week of tagging down Pylon to get a SVN dump, Stuart was able to open the Alt Project Overlay that contains the two overlays (transition and prefix) previously in the super-secret Gentoo SVN repository… the advantage is that you can get them with a simple svn checkout; the disadvantage is that there’s no Subversion client in usual stages, which means that we need to find a way to restore the snapshot functionality.

I want this to be a step further on the road to get more users to contribute to Gentoo/Alt, and to allow new porters to get more visibility without getting the dev status immediately.

Let’s see if I’m able to get this project going a bit further that it is now, as Gentoo/FreeBSD seems to be the only proceeding port.

oh, yes I know the trac wiki is empty, I’ll try to fill it later on or tomorrow, give me time, I also have an emerge -e world waiting me on defiant to get 6.2 going (that is performing quite good by the way).

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