So here I am, back as soon as I could, and trying to explain what I was up to.
First of all, the break I was planning simply fade out, I had a fight with my sister and I came back home after a few days. But I was already away before that.
The problem was that on July 29th a bad storm hit the North-East Italy, and one of the many things that happened was a tree falling on the phone cable of the house in front of mine. On 2 August, a squad from Sielte put on a new cable for them but at the same time they erroneously detached my cable…
And of course, the fantastic ex-monopolist, Telecom Italia, called by my ISP and Phone provider (Wind) to check the line, just took 2 weeks to decide the problem wasn’t their (but of course they were wrong), and then, when they are told the problem was the cable, just another week to come here to fix the connection.
Add another 2 days because they misaligned the ports on the hardware during the confirmation phase, and here it is my problem.
During this time I worked for a while on ruby-hunspell, on the C++2Ruby bindings script, and then wrote a bit, trying to get something usable for a magazine. But mostly, I read a lot. I’ll be writing a whole entry about the books I read, so be ready for that (sorry for the pun).
Sigh. A month to get updates for 🙁