Moving site… maybe?

I’m now thinking of moving my site. In the past year or so I used to host my site at, but lately to release stuff I had some troubles, as I have to generate the pages locally, and copy there, and it takes a while.

Also, as I’m using git to handle my sources in this box, I think it’s simpler for people to remind my domain from blog and git for the site, rather than having to point people to different points depending of what and why.

Another reason for that is that I still have people asking me why my site does not work because they find my really really old old site at ctonet (that died long time ago), this because that site used to have Google’s AdSense, and the one on dev.g.o does not. You can trust me or not, and you can try that yourself, but a site that has Google’s AdSense is usually indexed more often and seems to come before others in the search results.

Anyway, I already set up the new site (you’ll see the hostname is much similar to this one, just drop farragut from it), and now I just need to add a few more content for the projects I’m working on.

Now, I need to consider a few others ideas, but they much depend on what I’m going to do in the next months, so..

Update (2016-04-25): This post referred to when I used to run my website on my own box at home, off my ADSL. This has not been the case for many years ans you probably have noticed by now.

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