If you haven’t noticed that my commits in the last days were less than usual, well you’re going to have quite a bit of a surprise in the next days 😛
I’m currently waiting for KDE 3.5 beta1 to compile, after that is finished, I’ll start committing the new ebuilds. Seems like the QT mess it’s still not cleared up in 3.5, not only in 3.4, so there will be patches applied to 3.5_beta1 ebuilds, too. Luckily, those patches can usually be applied to 3.4, too, so the number of packages failing because of qt 3.3.5 is going to decrease in the next days. K3B and amaroK are already fixed.
Talking about amaroK, I wish to thank Ian Monroe for notifying me of the prerelease tarball, so that I was able to create the new ebuild and test it before the complete release 🙂
I don’t feel right now like writing too much, as I’m waiting for KDE to complete its build, and today was a long long day. I won’t be paid for my translation until late November (if nothing goes wrong, eh), so in the mean time I probably have to look for something else as I’m afraid I have to change my audio amplifier soon.
Anyway, tomorrow evening is scheduled a new meeting at my LUG, hoping not to get fighting because of the already said reasons.
And to close, a little personal request for who’s reading this 🙂 If somebody knows an European e-shop for multimedia equipment that sells in Italy (and is written in English, French, Spanish or as last option German -these are the languages I can sort of understand… actually I have to have German translated, but that is), with not-so-high shipping costs, can drop me an email (flameeyes at gentoo dot org) with the link? Maybe I can find the amplifier a bit cheaper than here. 🙂