Big news from Gentoo/FreeBSD: SSP!

Gentoo/FreeBSD logo by Marius Morawski

These are good tremendous news in the toolchain front of Gentoo/FreeBSD.

First of all, with lot of thanks to solar, now freebsd-lib has a start of SSP implementation that with the patched GCC we ship allow you to use Stack Protection on FreeBSD. The implementation is still lousy, SSP is disabled for the whole libc, and the canary is not random, but I’ll focus on that more tomorrow. This is the biggest improvement over standard FreeBSD we’re going to have, it might be enough for the people to find a reason on our (my) work.

The second, important news is about the crosscompiler I already talked about when I started this new blog. While working on adding the ssp implementation I found what the problem was, and finally fixed it, now I have a C++ crosscompiler from Linux to FreeBSD. I’ll set up a new distcc server tomorrow so to speed up compile on the real box.

I want to thanks again solar, SpanKY who helped me with crossdev, and all the people supporting me up to now so that I could reach this point 🙂

Now starts the real fun 😀

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