Build and rebuild

So, seems like my system is now stuck in a rebuild loop 🙂

Two days ago KDE 3.5.2 was released for packagers, and thanks to danarmak who updated the split ebuilds, I started building it, so to spot possible problems with it before user release (and in particular I had to update KPDF’s poppler patch,a s a one-line change in KPDF’s made the patch unusable as it was, the new version now is for poppler 0.5.1 only).

After upgrading KDE (only one night!), I had to rebuild almost all of it as Thursday I bought a second monitor to help me while working on UML diagrams and code, or with debug and code (Samsung 730BF with DVI input, really nice, and more or less cheap 😉 neat to combine with a Samsung 710V that’s the other monitor I have), so I had to enable xinerama on the whole system to have it working, as I had it strictly disabled. I launched the rebuild overnight, but had a bit of troubles because of local ebuilds for kio_slp and kerry, and because of ktechlab not building because of a missing dependency in gpsim…

Also, last morning, after waking up quite earlier than usual -as I was waiting for a friend of mine to talk about a job- while working on the UML diagram with Umbrello, I found a problem with Xorg7 and kdelibs… basically in the colour chooser dialog, if you select the “Named Colors” category, it will tell you that it can’t find rgb.txt, and that’s right as it looks for it in the wrong place. I solved this by editing and adding a new parameter to ./configure: –with-rgbfile, now kdelibs 3.5.2 (and 3.5.1-r1) will pass that parameter when using x11-apps/rgb (that’s a dependency OR-ed with virtual/x11), to fullfill the new position of the file. Too bad I didn’t spot that problem before or I could have pushed it in KDE 3.5.2 release… the fix is already committed in SVN anyway. If you’re upgrading from Xorg 6.8 to 7.0 modular, you’d have to rebuild kdelibs in order to get the new location working, I’m sorry but I can’t make it better than this 🙁

Also seems like CIA stats were reset, all my projets are gone, and now only KDE and Gentoo figures (because I committed to both today).

Adding to the rebuild list, today exg bumped expat to version 2.0.0, that has ABI changes and gets a soname change between to Unfortunately expat links against lots of stuff, starting from fontconfig that’s linked on by most of KDE and GNOME packages… and in usual conditions ends up in almost all binaries, leading to an almost complete world rebuild…

Luckily for me, by using –as-needed most of the stuff was clear: I had to rebuild neon and subversion, hal, dbus (for one of the support programs, but the main dbus daemon and library were fine), and of course fontconfig, this one I did for first as after rebuilding that my KDE was stable again. Oh of course I had to rebuild the stuff that can’t use –as-needed: wxGTK and users of it, like vlc and mkvtoolnix, but that’s an unfortunate thing… I should probably try to investigate the problem in bfd and fix it sooner or later..

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