Another move to bazaar-ng

Okay, tonight with the help and hints of marienz, I did one more step toward bazaar-ng (bzr). As I found something I don’t really like. If this is true, well, it might be quite a bit of a problem, so I don’t really think of telling people who would help me to join berlios and use SVN at this point. With bzr the problem is way different.

So what’s the deal? I moved unieject on a bzr repository. If somebody wants to help me out with code or with translation, feel free to branch that to me and send me an email with the URL you’re going to use and what you’d like to work on exactly 🙂

Also, you might want to read how to set up CIA for bzr so that I can read on unieject’s project feed your changes 🙂

Now I just hope to get someone working on it with me at least for the translations 😛

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