Modular X porting

Okay, as today finally the situation of virtual/x11 was cleaned up, I’ll restart porting for modular X… this means mainly that I’ll start building my own packages, and then the media packages, on the modular X chroot, to fix their deps.

Unfortunately my chroot was quite old and I have to update it all, before continuing.

Now, Chainsaw also convinced me of start adding a few bumps for sound software to portage, at least the Qt side of them. This means I have to do two builds at a time.

I must say, I’m really tired, also if it’s just 1am, I usually go sleeping 2~4am… I also tried playing Baldur’s Gate a bit to relax, but that hasn’t helped.

The week “off” I took was indeed relaxing, but coming back to the bugs’ reality is a bad experience.
The worse thing is knowing that what you do is mostly useless for anyone, or it creates problems to others. That’s the feeling I get when I have to choose a path like I did for VLC, to force users to use the unicode version to avoid going away from upstream’s descisions.

On another note, thanks to Kevin F. Quinn, today I rolled out another patchset for flac to fix the executable stack on x86.
I’m trying to understand better the requirements and scopes of Hardened project, after the “fight” I had with solar some weeks ago (that eventually made me take the week off I took), and I’m running an hardened kernel now; maybe I could try an hardened toolchain the future, but as I’m on GCC4, it probably has to wait for a bit more.

From the personal side, I’m still waiting the payment from my publisher for the translation, damn 60-days payments… they are also on break till Monday, so I won’t have news before that.. I just hope to have my money on Wednesday as I want to buy the new amplifier, I can’t watch at DVDs with this setup any longer.

And if there’s something I hate are holidays… also this year, on new year’s eve, I’ll be at home, alone (well ok, with my parents, they don’t count as friends tho), without anyone thinking of me and knowing that the rest of my friends are already prepared to go skiing…

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