My hopes to get KDigest working in the next weeks seems to have vanished; one of the functions I need to complete the creation of new digests does not work on Korundum 3.5.0 (and -r1 that is needed anyway for ruby 1.8.4); thanks to Richard Dale, there’s a patch to implement the missing marshaller; I’ll use it locally to work on KDigest, so it won’t stop me, but I have to wait for Korundum 3.5.1 to get the function available on downstream distributions.
Oh well, thanks again to Caleb and Richard for the quick answers and solutions 🙂 I hope other projects using Korudum will appear in the future, so that if other problems are present, they can be fixed soon 🙂
Remember if someone wants to help with KDigest, just drop me an email, it can be found on KDE’s svn inside /trunk/playground/utils/kdigest if you have KDE SVN account; it uses the usual translation and documentation modules for KDE, also.